Learning-based Axial Video Motion Magnification

ECCV 2024

Axial Motion Magnification

Our method enables the amplification of motion specific to that particular direction. Red arrows denote user-specified directions.


Video motion magnification amplifies invisible small motions to be perceptible, which provides humans with spatially dense and holistic understanding about small motions from the scene of interest. This is based on the premise that magnifying small motions enhances the legibility of the motion. In the real world, however, vibrating objects often possess complex systems, having complex natural frequencies, modes, and directions.

Existing motion magnification often fails to improve the legibility since the intricate motions still retain complex characteristics even when magnified, which distracts us from analyzing them. In this work, we focus on improving the legibility by proposing a new concept, axial motion magnification, which magnifies decomposed motions along the user-specified direction. Axial motion magnification can be applied to various applications where motions of specific axes are critical, by providing simplified and easily readable motion information.

We propose a novel learning-based axial video motion magnification method with the Motion Separation Module that enables to disentangle and magnify the motion representation along axes of interest. Further, we build a new synthetic training dataset for the axial motion magnification task. Our proposed method improves the legibility of resulting motions along certain axes, while adding additional user controllability. Our method can be directly adopted to the generic motion magnification and achieves favorable performance against competing methods.

Result Videos

Axial motion magnification helps to understand motion behaviors and preserve the original textures.